jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Lingonberry: Vaccinium vitis-idaea the berry queen

Closer look to the leaves and fruits


Scientific name: Vaccinium vitis-idaea

Habitat: From woodland and pine forest, to bogs, moors, heaths, tundra and even barren rocky areas, including cliffs and mountain summits.
Taste: Sour (add sugar if needed)

When to pick it?: Make sure all the fruits are red. Check for white spots, is the plant has them, leave it, it needs some more days.

Main properties: Antioxidant, kills bacteria, digestive and rich in copper.
Around august, the sunny spots in the Finnish forest get cover by a carpet of red berries that adorn beautifully the end of the summer. The lingonberries are fruits very easy to recognize and harvest, and are perfect to  use with some salty food  and to make pies and marmalades.

Habitat: "Vaccinium vitis-idaea (lingonberry or cowberry) is a short evergreen shrub in the heath family that bears edible fruit, native to boreal forest and Arctic tundra throughout the Northern Hemisphere from Eurasia to North America". 

Nutrition Benefits of Eating Lingonberry via http://fruitfacts-sastha.blogspot.fi

1. Lingonberry, affectionately referred as the ‘Queen of Berries’ has a nice refreshing taste. This wild berry comes packed with a bevy of health and nutritive benefits and is known to profit human health in more ways than one.

2. Lingonberry is highly esteemed in the medicinal world for its diverse spectrum of therapeutic actions. Lingonberry serves both as a diuretic and choleretic and is known to strengthen capillary tube too. The berries are treated as carditonic and hypotensive too.

3. The pearly red lingonberries are supposedly one of the richest sources of polyphenols. Lingonberries contain berry biocomplex that is believed to have an anti-sclerotic effect. They are also believed to be a rich source of copper, an essential mineral that helps in treating pancreatic diabetes.

4. Lingonberry is a popular cure for liver ailments, gastritis, hypertony and gastric ulcer. Its capacity to regulate salt metabolism makes it an effective remedy for treating diseases like renal lithiasis, uratic arthritis and rheumatism. Lingonberry also has antiseptic properties and can be used as an astringent too.

5. Lingonberry contains tannins that help to boost the blood vessel walls, resolve mineral metabolism and neutralize toxins, thereby improving digestion and toning up the body.

6. Lingonberries are touted as excellent cure for urinary tract infections. These pearly red, ripe berries are found to contain short chained proanthocyans that is believed to keep away the infection causing bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. Lingonberry juice or powder when taken regularly is likely to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection in women by forty percent.

7. These small berries are believed to be excellent source of vitamin A, B and C and are power-packed with other essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. Because of their rich nutritional value, lingonberries are believed to favor both blood and bone health.

8. Apart from being rich in essential nutrients, these humble berries are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Lingonberries are also found to be a potent source of essential fatty acids and are highly esteemed because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Regular consumption of lingonberries keeps the free radicals from spreading in the body.

9. Lingonberries are a storehouse of flavonoids, especially quercetin. Apart from having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, quercetin has antihistamine properties that help to alleviate allergy symptoms.

10. Like most other berries, lingonberries are known to boost the levels of good cholesterol, improve blood pressure. They are thereby held as a productive source of heart health.

Upper view of the bush

Other interesting board from pinterest: http://pinterest.com/luvsey/lingonberries/

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