martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Castoreum: Natural Strawberry Flavor?

Image by by Property#1 on Flickr

"Want a little beaver secretion with your candy or beverage? You will be disturbed to know that Castoreum is a popular food  additive which is used in perfumes, and added to food as a flavor ingredient. This ‘food additive’ is a brown, oily, bitter,  orange-brown secretion. It is found in the sacs between the anus, and the external genitals of both male and female beavers.

The discharge is combined with the beaver’s urine, which it commonly uses to mark its territory with its scent. After beavers
are skinned for their fur, the glands are taken out, usually smoked or sun dried, and then sold".

Castoreum is found in: 
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Baked goods
  • Gelatins
  • Puddings
  • Soft candy & chewing gum
  • Frozen dairy
  • Meat products
  • Non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages
  • Cigarettes
  • Incense

"But, don’t we have a legal right to know? One would hope that they could be informed of what ingredients are included in the products they are purchasing and consuming. But castoreum has been included, by the FDA, in the umbrella category “Natural Flavor”, and there is unfortunately “no need” to list any such ingredients more specifically".

"Castoreum extract is a natural product which is prepared by direct hot-alcohol extraction of castoreum. The additive is often referred to as ‘natural flavoring’, in the products’ list of ingredients. It is mainly used as artificial vanilla, strawberry, and raspberry flavoring in the foods and beverages that we consume. Not surprisingly, most companies do not list their food ingredients on their website. In order to find out if a product you prefer has castoreum included in its contents, it is best to contact the company directly and ask them".

Image by Stewart Ho on Flickr

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

Natural or unnatural? How our food is handled. The Colombian case

Since I moved from my home country, many things have changed. Politicians have favored free trade agreements to destroy the food independence of a multibiodiverse  place such as Colombia is, imposing by force the use of foreign seeds created by foreign multinationals and gave green light to the Free trade agreement with United States of America.

Consecuences? Many.

Colombia is an agriculture based country. For generations people have worked in the fields to provide cities with fresh food. People is used to go to the market place and buy from from locals. All this is going to change.

Big market stores are going to import the new cheap foreign products. and the new reform will leave thousands of people without any income leading many to consume foreign products that are low in quality but that they can afford.

This is not far from what is happening all over the world but my question is: Why and Who can decide about our food policies?  How much people can take of the abuses of corporations and their power in policies? How do they want people to react?

The independence of our food choices should be consider a natural right. I SUPPORT THE COLOMBIAN STRIKE. Please help us to spread this message. The media is not displaying the right information.

This is the response of Colombia:

I will be updating with new information soon. Please come back!